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Gather your Customer's Feedback and Survey with our Personalized and Interactive Videos

Interactive Video Surveys

Transform your survey experience with interactive video questions featuring selectable options for feedback. This innovative approach elevates user engagement through dynamic and visually captivating means, facilitating a more enjoyable and insightful feedback and survey process for your users

interactive video surveys
speech to text

Speech-to-Text Option

In today's communication landscape, our platform offers a practical Speech-to-Text feature in our videos, making it easy for users to share feedback. Enhance your interaction by speaking your thoughts; we'll smoothly translate them into written feedback for a better user experience.

Streamlined Video Recording

Simply record your thoughts on video, enjoy a preview, and effortlessly press the back button if adjustments are needed. Enhance communication and collaboration with a seamless process that ensures your feedback is clear, concise, and exactly as you intend.

streamlined vid rec
seamless audio rec

Seamless Audio Recording

Offering feedback is now as straightforward as expressing your thoughts aloud. Utilizing our user-friendly audio recording feature embedded in videos, you can effortlessly share your thoughts verbally, review the recording, and adjust with a simple press of the back button if necessary. Effortless and efficient communication is now at your fingertips.